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Q: Why should I buy a replica handbag online and not in a store or from someone on the street? Some of those replica handbags look great and just like the original bags. Why should I bother purchasing them online?Yes, some of the replica bags that youll find from a store or from a vendor on the street might look close to the original version, but how well do they hold up? Are they made from the same materials? Most of the time these bags fall apart in days and are made using inferior materials, allowing them to look like true designer handbag but not to stand up like them. And chances are that youll also pay nearly as much for a bag on the street (which, incidentally, might be stolen property) as you would for a bag that you would buy legally online.Q: Im buying my girlfriend a handbag. I can just buy any designer handbag, right? Shell like any replica designer handbag I pick, wont she?Not necessarily! Not all women like the same thing. Just as one guy may like a Ferrari and the other might like a Porsche, some women like owe designer or one style while others like a different. How, then, can you figure out which bag to buy your sweetie? First take a look at the bags that she already has. This will give you an idea as to what style of bag she likes and what color.

Next, pay attention to what she looks at when youre looking online or are out shopping. If you pay attention, youll figure out which bags attract her and which ones dont. But, just in case, always save the receipt from your replica handbag purchase!Q: Replica bags are nothing like real bags, right? These bags are really cheap because theyre made cheaply and will fall apart immediately.This is, unfortunately, one of the biggest misconceptions about replica handbags. A high quality replica handbag is not something that will break down anytime soon, and is made from the same materials that the original bag is made from.

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